A business loan will allow you to develop and grow your business and you may be able to get all or part of your loan at home loan rates.
Why do I need a Business Loan?
Business loans are tailored to assist you with the purchase of an existing business, starting a new business or franchise or for major investments in your current business. To qualify for a business loan you will need to prove to the bank that your business venture will be feasible and profitable. You also need to have the background and experience to run the business and that you will be easily able to repay the loan within the set timeframe.
Most business loans have a repayment period between 5-6 years. If you borrow money to utilize in the business by offering the residential property as security, the funds secured against this property will have a repayment period of 30 years. Banks view businesses as high-risk security in comparison to a residential property, interest rates on business loans are usually 3-4% higher than standard home loan rates.